Friday, June 10, 2016

List of Phrasal Verbs

A standout amongst the most troublesome, yet shockingly most critical, parts of learning English is its acclaimed phrasal verbs. They are all over! Tragically you can't escape them, and to advance to a propelled level you should learn them capably. So a speedy refresher: what is a phrasal verb? 

A phrasal verb is an a few section verb comprising of a short verb, for example, break, go, run, take, fall, get, come, and so on., and a molecule, for example, up, in, on, off, over, out, down, over, and so on. 


The molecule part of the verb incredibly adjusts, or changes the significance of the verb. In this way, in some cases you have a verb which has a totally diverse importance relying upon its molecule. For instance, get up; get over; get around to; get in; get past; and so forth they all have totally diverse implications. It is basic to comprehend these implications to completely comprehend local speakers when they communicate in English. 

Phrasal verbs are casual. In that capacity, they are to a great degree typical in talking and casual writings, for example, news articles, messages, and so on. Phrasal verbs do have counterparts, which get from Latin. This implies on the off chance that you communicate in Spanish, Italian, Romanian, French or Portuguese, these verbs will be exceptionally natural to you. A few illustrations are: 

Cancel: Cancel 

Hurl: Vomit 

Put off: Postpone 

Fled: Escape 

Work out: Exercise 

In any case, be cautious: in the event that you talk a Latin-based dialect, do recollect that words, particularly verbs which are comparable in English, are likely very formal. There is a solid propensity for learners to abstain from utilizing phrasal verbs, since they don't show up in different dialects. Try not! Look for phrasal verbs and attempt to utilize them however much as could be expected. Utilizing phrasal verbs will make your English sound more characteristic. 

Something which can be dubious with phrasal verbs is that you should seperate the verb and the molecule when you utilize a pronoun, and supplement the pronoun in the center. What? An illustration will make this reasonable: 

I put off the meeting. I put it off. 

I canceled the supper party. I canceled it. 

I let down my dad. I let him down. 

This guideline requires some practice. The best thing to do is essentially make sentences in your mind, and after that say them utilizing the pronoun, trying to embed it between the verb and the molecule. Try not to give this little control a chance to unnerve you from utilizing phrasal verbs! It just requires a smidgen of practice. 

Phrasal verbs ought not be seen actually. You regularly need to study them word for word. This implies you can't generally comprehend the importance of them in connection, in view of the verb and the molecule. Some of the time this is conceivable: for instance, clear out; fly away; pass away; leave, and so on. These phrasal verbs all have taking off. 

Be that as it may, other phrasal verbs have exceptionally unusual molecule verb blends which have neither rhyme nor reason: come up short on; give in; hang out; harvest up, and so forth. You tragically need to turn upward the implications of these verbs in a word reference to comprehend them. 

I trust you take up learning phrasal verbs so you can flaunt your amazing English while you are hanging out with your companions!

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Thursday, April 7, 2016

Morphemes in English grammar

Morphemes may be elements of a word which you have not met before. An example is probably the best way to introduce this concept. We will begin with the lexical itemnation and develop the notion of morpheme from there.
  • nation
  • nation-al
  • inter-nation-al
  • inter-nation-al-ise
  • inter-nation-al-is-ation
So, in the above example, nation, -al, inter-, -ise, and -ation are all morphemes. By adding small units of meaning to the base form,nation, we have created four new, but closely related, lexical items. You should note that these units of meaning are totally dependent on the base form and, therefore, cannot exist on their own. These fundamental units of meaning are morphemes. The examples above are called bound morphemes since they need to be added to an existing base; there are, however, many words which cannot be broken down into smaller elements and these are known as free morphemes. Instances of this are: tablelionplatformsomehorror,label.


Active & Passive Voice               Voz Activa & Pasiva           Morphemes     Libro de Gramática Española

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10 Best Reasons to Be an Entrepreneur

1. Opportunity

Susan Strayer Lamotte, a leader in talent acquisition and HR, says she's motivated simply by "doing great work. That's the difference," she explains. "All the other stuff is gravy, but as an entrepreneur, I can decide what the work is like. What I get to do. And that's the mecca for me."

2. Autonomy

Some entrepreneurs simply want to avoid the daily grind that comes along with a career that isn't self-sustaining. Says Aron Schoenfeld, founder and DreamArtists Studios, "Fear of failure is what motivates me to keep going. [I'm] scared of going back to corporate and being a robot again."

3. Freedom

Aaron Pitman, president and founder of API Domain Investments, agrees. "Freedom is my driver," he says. "I always wanted to be able to call my own shots, be in charge of my destiny, and have the ability to set my own life."

4. Responsibility to society

For other entrepreneurs, there are bigger societal issues driving their work. "For me, it's also about an alignment of story," says Josh Allan Dykstra, a consultant, author, and speaker. "As entrepreneurs, we are always analyzing the state of the world, examining the larger stories that are playing out on a macro/global level. While we strive to make sense of these big-picture stories, we are also searching for the places our personal strengths and passions can make a larger impact on the world. We make the most difference when we find where the intersection point of the thing that makes us feel alive also lines up with the bigger story, allowing us to improve society in some meaningful way."

5. Impact

Justin Beegel, founder and president of Infographic World, explains: "[I love] knowing every action [I] take truly has a direct impact on the outcome of the business. When you're an employee...what you do has limited impact. When you're running the company, each and every thing you do can make or break it."

6. Family

Ari R. Meisel, an entrepreneur, author, inventor, and triathlete, says what drives him to entrepreneurial work is simple: "[I love] being able to spend as much time with my family as possible."

7. Change

Trace Cohen, founder and president of, says what drives him is seeing change. "My current and previous company have all been about providing value to our users to enhance what they are currently doing to either make it better or more efficient."

8. Legacy

Forging a lasting legacy is important for many workers. Both Dave Kerpen, CEO ofLikeable Media, and Lewis Howes, lifestyle entrepreneur, noted that leaving a personal legacy is a huge motivator in their decision to do entrepreneurial work.

9. Accomplishment

"That is what truly makes people happy, a sense of accomplishment," says Pablo Palatnik, CEO at "That's why I do what I do every day, to accomplish my goals, and that [means] building a successful company."

10. Control

Some entrepreneurs are driven by the sense of security that comes along with being in full control of their work. Joey Ricard says control of his own destiny--"or as some people like to call it, security"--drives his entrepreneurial efforts.
I'm a big believer that money is not what drives people to work hard. If you want successful, happy workers, take a cue from what drives you. Freedom, flexibility, social responsibility, the ability to do great work? Provide your workers with opportunities to thrive in these areas, and you won't have to deal with workers who are motivated only by money.
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Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Complete Friends episode

Friends is an American television sitcom, created by David Crane and Marta Kauffman, which originally aired on NBC from September 22, 1994, to May 6, 2004, lasting ten seasons. The show also has an ensemble cast, starring Jennifer Aniston,Courteney CoxLisa KudrowMatt LeBlanc,Matthew Perry and David Schwimmer, the show revolves around six friends living in Manhattan. The series was produced by Bright/Kauffman/Crane Productions, in association with Warner Bros. Television. The original executive producers were Kevin S. BrightMarta Kauffman, and David Crane

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Tuesday, March 22, 2016

¡¡Pasantía en Google!!

Becas para estudiar fuera de El Salvador

domus-01-google.jpg (1280×620)
Google está ofreciendo una gran oportunidad de hacer tu pasantia con ellos. Todo esto será en el sudoeste asiático para el año 2016. Las solicitudes internacionales son elegibles para este tipo de prácticas. Debes de hablar ingles y tener experiencia en diversas áreas de administración de empresas entre otras cualidades. 
Para mayor información y para poder aplicar, sigue este enlace:

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Tuesday, February 23, 2016

What are some mind-blowing facts about linguistics?

 Mind-blowing facts about linguistics

In addition to Eddie Doo's answer on English and Hindi being related (as branches of Indo-European) here are a few other related languages that might surprise you:

- Finnish and Hungarian
- Not only are English and Hindi Indo-European, but also Farsi, Icelandic & Kurdish
- Malagasy (spoken in Madagascar) and Hawaiian
- Some have suggested Japanese and Turkish are related

Other interesting facts:

- Around 40% of the World's 6000+ languages are close to extinction

- English spelling, for all the trouble it gives middle schoolers and foreigners, provides a unique glimpse into the history of English, indicating words' pronunciations from hundreds of years ago (e.g., night used to be nicht, related to German nacht).

- Languages are in a constant state of flux. With that knowledge, you can laugh at your curmudgeon friend who rails against the "misuse" of literally. Not only has literally been used as an intensifier for a long while, but this usage fits a well-known pattern of words meaning, "for real" becoming intensifiers like, well, "really". Complaining about how kids use language today is an futile exercise that dates back millenia and will certainly never stop, but so too will language never stop changing.

Ebonics or African-American Vernacular English is not sloppily spoken English, but rather is a language/dialect with its own set of well-defined rules and principles. These include the metathesis in the word aks to the appropriate use of be, as in the distinction between I be working on Friday versus I am working on Friday, the former being the habitual use, not present in Standard American English. 

- Lots of phrases sound like they mean what you think they mean when they actually don't. A common example is misnegation, e.g., "Does he have an agenda? I'd say it's hard to deny he doesn't." (from Language Log: Language Log " It’s hard to deny he doesn’t). Parse what that literally means versus what it sounds like it means.

- Filler, e.g., "um" and "uh" are not just people being lazy, thoughtless speakers, but are carefully placed spacing in a sentence to either help the listener prepare for upcoming complicated language or to help the speaker eke out a little extra time to put the sentence together.

Types Of Verbs Presentation

Types Of Adverbs

Grammar Moods

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Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Tips for Teaching English as a Foreign Language

Tips for Teaching English as a Foreign Language 

Have you ever pondered what it would take to begin showing English as a remote dialect? For local English speakers, there are regularly numerous open doors for voyaging abroad and showing English dialect expressions to understudies in another nation. You might be thinking about whether you need to definitely know another dialect when instructing English to others, yet a percentage of the best English lessons are frequently the aftereffect of an educator who just knows English and in this manner powers the understudies to talk in English to convey. This strategy for educating where you constrain your understudies to just communicate in English is known as the immediate technique or the common technique for instructing a remote dialect, and concentrates vigorously on right elocution and increasing conversational aptitudes.

The principal expertise you should expert to begin effectively showing English as an outside dialect is the capacity to utilize body motions and signs successfully. Numerous understudies find that they take in another dialect better when they are compelled to talk just English in the classroom. By declining to utilize your understudy's local dialect, you constrain them to learn English by first utilizing your non-verbal communication and signals to show them new words, and afterward utilizing what they've figured out how to construct considerably more information. This example of adapting nearly copies the way children and newborn children take in a dialect, and along these lines this strategy for educating regularly "sticks" superior to anything utilizing repetition retention of English words.

Another imperative methodology when showing English is to have your understudies hone normal expressions until they feel totally good with those expressions. This procedure is frequently utilized with ambassadors and permits the understudy to concentrate intensely on right articulation and accent. For instance, instructing what might as well be called regular welcome, inquiries, and colloquialisms can go a far way towards showing English dialect expressions. It's vital when instructing any dialect to concentrate on the most valuable and basic expressions in the first place, so your understudies can begin speaking immediately. There are several English instructing guides that will offer you some assistance with choosing what sorts of expressions and words to concentrate on first.

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Monday, February 15, 2016

Great Benefits of having a Teaching Portfolio

Teaching Portfolio

Whether or not you decide to create a teaching portfolio is a personal decision, but the benefits of creating a teaching portfolio are many fold. There is a lot of research supporting them as a tool in lifelong learning and for your job search. As a result, preparing a portfolio, either digital or hard copy, will become more and more common in the future.
A teaching portfolio is a story about you and who you are as an educator. Your teaching portfolio should be a tool that demonstrates your skills and knowledge, and provides evidence of your successful teaching practices. It is an effective way for teachers to reflect upon, describe, and document their teaching philosophy, goals, and achievements. Teaching portfolios allow for tracking and documentation of longer periods of teaching than are allowed for during supervised classroom observations. They also serve as a portable residency, encouraging a connection between the teaching process and end-product.
Your portfolio needs to be creatively designed and carefully organized so that it presents well to recruiters. When you start to put your portfolio together, the first thing you need to consider is what you want it to communicate to schools. Really anything that you can capture can lend itself to being part of your portfolio. Although nothing is stopping you from taking an encyclopedic approach – including everything that you have collected over your teaching career – this can end up overwhelming the viewer and make the more important entries lose their importance.
First you need to figure out what the purpose of your teaching portfolio is as well as your target audience. Make a list of your employment goals, and then find the information you think will fulfill them. It can include examples of what you have learned about educating others, what you do as an educational leader in your preparation and teaching, a description of your journey as an educator, and a narrative of your growth, values, future vision, and plans.

Below you will find the documents you need to add to your portfolio.

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